Thursday, January 7, 2016

Powering down

More rain today and most of tomorrow. That means conserving my electricity. I turned the refrigerator thermostat up to 39 degrees. It's usually set at 31. I'll spend way less time on the computer in order to preserve battery power. In other words, I'll be acting more like I'm camping.


  1. You've often posted how you have to conserve e-juice on rainy days. Maybe it's time for more panels and batteries? I have a little over 400 watts of panels and 300 amp/hours of batteries. Since my refrigerator died 8 months ago - (for a good link on living without a fridge) - I never have to worry about e-juice, even after days of rain. Just something to think about.

    I'll be at the RTR either this afternoon or tomorrow morning if you want to see my setup.

  2. Al & Wayne, I will be at rtr next week. Would love to see you & your set up. Will you both still be there?
