Monday, December 16, 2019

I broke out in a cold sweat

My oncologist prescribed pilocarpine to promote saliva production. It seems to be working. He also prescribed prednisone for some residual swelling in my throat. It also seems to be working. Yay for modern chemistry.

Last night, after being in bed about a half hour, I noticed I was sweaty. Very sweaty. But I didn’t feel overheated. I traded my down quilt for a lighter blanket. That had me feeling a little chilly (it was about 45°F/7°C) in the van) but was still sweating. I traded my damp t-shirt for a dry one. Once in a while a tingling wave would wash across my torso.

Were sweating and tingles side effects of the meds? Today I looked it up. Neither was mentioned.

Was it something I ate?

Was it a combination of the drugs and food?

Was I trying to express my adoration for a woman?

Anyway, the weirdness eventually passed (replaced by my normal weirdness) and I slept well, woke up refreshed.


  1. If I was not a little weird then I would be nothing at all.

  2. I think you caught a case of menopause. Don't worry it won't last but a few more years.

  3. Increased sweating is listed as a side effect on rxlist.

    Or maybe it really is menopause. Will you be on prednisone very long? That one can give you a buffalo hump and osteoporosis. It's always something.

    1. "Will you be on prednisone very long?" Just a week.

  4. There is a name for the cold sweat plus cold tingling. It is called a cold flash, versus a hot flash which is the version most often heard about. Both variations are induced by a hormonal change. Prednisone was indeed the cause of it. Prednisone is a synthesized version of a natural hormone. Nothing to worry about, it will go away when you stop the medication.

    1. I've finished the prednisone and managed to have only that one incident of cold flashes. So onward and upward.
