Friday, August 28, 2020

Happy vanniversary!

Is seven years long enough for the conventional folks to accept I’m serious about this wandering around in a van thing? No, I’m not searching for the perfect place to settle down. Not even cancer has made me change my mind. This is who I am.

Grand Canyon is on most people’s Natural Wonder Must-See list, so it’s a good place to observe my vanniversary. I’ve been here before, but this time felt special. I sat at the rim, sort of meditating, thinking about the past seven years. And I was sublimely happy. To be there, to be alive, to be living this wonderful life. I’m so damn lucky.

On my way to Grand Canyon, I started thinking about hiking a little of the Bright Angel Trail. A mile down, a mile back up. The past week of hiking had emboldened me. There are people who run the Bright Angel from rim to rim—and back. Surely I could walk a little of it. I strolled along the west side of the Rim Trail to where I could get a look at Bright Angel. Ummmm... No. The uphill would kill me. Maybe I'd do it someday on mule back. Poor mule. 

Part of the Bright Angel Trail


  1. Your photos are stunning! I've never been able to capture the vastness of the view.
    You picked a good place to celebrate your vanniversity. :-)

  2. Yes, a fitting vanaversary local Al. The grandeur of the canyon, the grandeur of freedom, impeccable.

  3. My living was in a travel trailer for several years while still working. I started full time travel 10-07-07 at age 61 and still feel the same way you do. Lots of things have changed but I still live in the same travel trailer and prefer it over any other style of living.

  4. I'm wishing you at least another seven years of happy wandering. Thanks for sharing your wanders with those of us out here.

  5. How long did it take for you to decide your present future.?

    1. To sell the house and live in a van? About a half second after I encountered the idea.

    2. Was it decision made - full steam ahead! or doubt doubt doubt?

    3. Never any doubt. Whether that was from confidence or ignorance, I don't know. But it was the right decision.
