Saturday, October 12, 2024

An easy trail, until...

Capitol Reef National Park has many popular and well-promoted trails. But this being one of the peak seasons I considered taking a less known trail. It might not be as spectacular as others, but it was more likely I’d have it all to myself. And I did. Well, except for one guy going the other way.

Sulphur Creek runs west to east through a rugged canyon a little south of Highway 24. The Sulphur Creek Trail runs from the highway to Sulphur Creek via a wiggly dry wash — about a four mile round trip. It’s easy walking with a very gradual slope, moving in and out of the shade of cliffs as the wash twists and turns.

But then, near the end of the trail, with Sulphur Creek in view, there’s a series of drop-offs ranging from about six to fifteen feet. Hmmm… How to get down? More critically, how to get back up?

I spent about fifteen minutes trying to find the way. I knew there must be a way because I could see footprints below.  I backtracked to see if there was a detour. None that I could see. Maybe I follow that narrow ledge around that point. It dead ended. I finally saw the crack with a series of step-like ledges. Spots along the rocks where hands and feet had rubbed off dirt and lichens were a reassuring sign.

The big question was whether my old man body was up for the task. Might I fall? Would I be able to heft myself back up? Should I just turn around short of the goal?

I went for it. I did not hurt myself.

The trail continues down Sulphur Creek, eventually reaching the Visitor Center. But the remainder for the trail requires a lot of bushwhacking, rock scrambling, or walking in the water. A notice at the trailhead warned of high e. coli levels in the water, so that was out.

I found a comfy rock and enjoyed the scenery for a while. Then I climbed back up the drop-off. The only damage was whacking my head on a overhanging rock I hadn’t seen because it had been hidden by my hat brim as I was concentrating on my foot placement and handhold. (There’s only a very slight bump and tender spot this morning.)

All-in-all, it was an enjoyable afternoon, in part because I chose to solve a problem rather than retreat.

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