Fast forward a year or so and the fan hadn't graciously repaired itself. So, thanks to YouTube, I learned how to remove and replace the fan. Oh, I can do that. And in case the fan was worn or broken, I looked up salvage yards and found one nearby with an Express van that might have a good fan in it.
I got my 10mm and 7/32" sockets (come on, GM, pick a standard and stick with it) and small screw driver, removed the screws, yadda yadda yaddaa, and...
Yup. One spin-dried, desert-desiccated mouse, dead on the hamster wheel.
I tossed him, cleaned the fan and housing, and put it back together. Everything works as it should.
I'm glad (knock on wood) that I haven't been invaded by any wire-gnawing rodents. That could leave me stranded instead of merely without much ventilation.
Use those 1A Auto videos all the time to keep our 99 and 89 Corollas running.