Wednesday, May 8, 2024

I was spotted

I don’t try to be well known. I don’t have a big social media presence. I just write this blog and keep family and a few friends updated regarding my whereabouts using Facebook.

Yet there I was, in a Walmart parking lot, having lunch and goofing around on the computer, door open to let in the excellent weather, when a guy approached.

“Are you the Rolling Steel Tent guy?”


“I thought you might be, but I wasn’t sure until I saw your fridge. I’ve been following your blog for a while.”

In the course of the conversation he referred to some things I had written, so, yeah, he has been reading me. And he remembered me from a Rubber Tramp Rendezvous, which surprised me.

If the RTR needs to morph once again, I suggest Bob just has us gather in some Walmart parking lot. That’s where we seem to run into each other anyway. I once unexpectedly crossed paths with a nomad friend at a Walmart on the outskirts of Albuquerque.

My visitor explained that after a period of nomading had settled back into his house. But he realized he didn’t really want to be there anymore, that he couldn’t stand being in just one place. Now he’s back on the road. That happens to a lot of folks.


  1. Yep now and then someone asks if I am the Old Fat Man from the blog. It is always a nice surprise when it happens. As you know I live a bit different than you but still a solo rving. After 17 years at it I have left some tracks many places and some times folks stop to say Howdy.

    1. I wonder whether anyone gets mistaken for me. If so, my condolences.

  2. I know all about those wanderers..... I was married to one but he never wanted to settle down in any one place for very long.... so I live alone in Wa state ( with my cat) , and he is out exploring the south western deserts....
