Sunday, June 9, 2024

A supply run and a walk in the park

The very nice Harvest Market at Mendoza’s here in Mendocino didn’t have a couple of things I wanted, so after I had some perfect biscuits & gravy at GoodLife Cafe & Bakery I drove ten miles to the Safeway in Fort Bragg. 

The first time I was ever in Fort Bragg was, oh, 1983. My then-girlfriend and I were in Mendocino for a romantic weekend and decided to ride the historic Skunk Train that runs from Fort Bragg to Willits and back. It was not a great experience for us. The novelty of riding an old train through the forest wore off after a few minutes into the hours long round trip. Also, we picked a lunch spot at random in Willits that served the absolute worst Chinese food I’ve ever tried to eat.

Anyway, the Safeway was just like any Safeway. They had what I wanted and I was on my way back to Mendocino in no time. Early Sunday mornings are not only a good time to skirt large metro areas, but also a good time for grocery shopping.

There are a couple of state parks between Fort Bragg and Mendocino. The first one is the small Jug Handle State Reserve. It’s free, and it was a sunny morning with the fog way off shore, so I pulled in and went for a walk. There’s the ocean, of course, but also a small patch of creepy forest. 

There is also a path down to a sand bar beach. But by the time I came out of the woods I was feeling last night’s lack of sleep. I woke up at 2:23 and, ergh, stayed up. So I napped in the Rolling Steel Tent for, oh my, a couple of hours. The parking lot was busy, and a lot of slamming car doors — and a yapping dog — woke me up.

I was still weary as I got back on the highway, so I skipped hiking in Russian Gulch State Park, found a good parking spot in Mendocino, and slept for another couple of hours. You can do stuff like that when you’re an retired old fart.


  1. If I had known unrestricted snoozing was the greatest thing about retirement, I would have happily looked forward during the drudgery of my working years that much more.

  2. The best part of the Skunk train is from Ft Bragg to the halfway point, along the river. From the halfway point to Willits only appeals to real train buffs. Have only gone all the once, and that was enough. Been halfway a number of times, always enjoy it.

    1. We went into it not knowing they let people off at the halfway point, nor did we bring food. Hey, it was before the Internet and easy access to information and reviews.
