Saturday, June 29, 2024

Where am I?

I was in the Rolling Steel Tent researching possible boondocking spots for the rest of my trip through Oregon and Washington to Vancouver Island. I was so deep into Google Maps, iOverlander, and Adventure Know-How that when I finally looked away from the computer there was a half second of disorientation.

Oh, right, I’m not in a National Forest campsite near Crater Lake, I’m parked by the Pacific in Crescent City. And, oh look, the fog has burned off and it’s a beautiful day out there. Guess I should go out and enjoy some of it.

A similar thing happens when I wake in the middle of the night, particularly — but not limited to — when I’m frequently changing locations. And sometimes the confusion will be caused by a vivid dream I was having. And part of it, I suppose, is from aging. Where am I? What type of place is it? Where will the sun be rising from? At least I haven’t yet woken up wondering who I am.


  1. Would have been nice to be stationed at that Light Station, good location.

  2. I highly recommend the app Outly for researching free camp spots.

  3. You are in a good place for the next few days. Gonna get real warmish in northern CA for a while. Stay on the coast if you can.

    1. Well, I'm meeting up with friends for Independence Day in central Oregon, so I'll be away from the coast for a while.

  4. I get confused about the seasons sometimes. Coming from Pa with four distinct seasons being hot in winter or cold in summer throws me off.
