Friday, August 23, 2024

Cliche days

The past couple of days the Pacific Northwest has been very Pacific Northwestish. The weather has been alternating between drizzle, heavier rain, overcast, and more drizzle. And wind. The only time I ventured outside was to transfer my trash to a bin at a scenic overlook.

But I’m fine. That surprises me. I usually get antsy and cranky and depressed in wet weather. I guess I’ve adjusted — but not to the point of becoming one of the Mole People. I still prefer sunshine and open doors and windows.


  1. Are you saying that those of us who live on the Olympic Peninsula are mole people? We have some sunny days and then.....

    1. There was plenty of sun on the Peninsula when I was there. Some overcast and fog, but no rain. That's much easier for me to deal with.

  2. It's prolly early, but youse may wanna start giving some thought to moving away from the coming wet...and cold.

    I went out last night arpund 3 a.m. and there was the hint of a chill. Kristen felt it in Atascadero too.

    Ir seems early, but you *are* stll pretty far north.

    1. I'm starting to head south, but since I don't like driving in the rain (particularly on the twisty 2-lane sections of 101 and 1) I'll wait for this storm system to pass.

  3. You got caught up in an unusual early storm system. We are having rain here in Norther CA, which is virtually unheard of here in August. Nice to smell the rain, though, but it won't last. More hot weather on the way, just so you can meander south. Looks like you have enjoyed the summer though, dodging most of the hot weather like you have.

  4. I'm glad the rain has helped keep the fires down.

  5. Hey there, Maple Valley Gal!

    Yer profile sez you've been on Blogger awhile. Yet you've no blog. How come?
