Monday, August 19, 2024

Grass attack

Spend a while in the desert and you realize nearly every plant wants to stab you. But, of course, that’s not the only home of vicious vegetation. Now I’ve been reminded the Pacific Northwest has lots of briars and brambles too. And there’s a grass that, despite its docile appearance, wants to poke its tiny spines in you, all in the name of spreading its seeds. Fortunately, the goal is to have the prickly seeds fall off somewhere, so the poky bits don’t have barbs. Nevertheless, you’d rather not remove them with your bare fingers. I got about half of them off my shoes with a whiskbroom then used tweezers to get the rest. Well, it’s one way to spend a lazy afternoon. I’m very glad none of them found their way to my rug where my bare feet would find them.

Some comic (A. Whitney Brown, maybe) said he’s a vegetarian not because he loves animals but because he hates plants. I think that’s fair, because there are so many plants that hate us. I haven’t even gotten into the toxic ones.

1 comment:

  1. I used to live in northern Idaho, and thy were a menace there also - anytime you walked thru a field, they imbedded themselves in your socks, and were almost impossible to get out, sometimes resulting in the socks being thrown away in a burn pile... we called the devil darts "sticky burrs"
