Saturday, July 22, 2023

Darn otoliths

A few years ago I started having occasional brief episodes of vertigo. They usually happened when I was in bed. I’d turn my head from one side to the other and my world would start spinning. Woah, I’m on the Tilt-A-Whirl!

The vertigo would last only a few seconds, so after a few of these incidents I settled into just letting them run their course. After all, I was already lying down and safe. Sometimes it would happen when I sat up to get out of bed. I would just flop back down and wait.

My type of vertigo is caused by tiny crystals called otoliths in my inner ear wandering into one of the fluid-filled position-detecting tubes that help us maintain balance. 

I learned all that this morning after googling information on vertigo, because an attack that had started as soon as went to bed last night was still going on. Besides finding out the cause, I also learned there’s a series of “exercises” sufferers can do to get the rogue otoliths back where they belong. They involve hanging your head off the end of the bed and holding your head in various positions. It helped, but I’m still not 100 percent. At least I’m not stumbling around and crashing into things.


  1. Al, you may have already found this, but there's a good article on BPPV from the CLeveland Clinic. I have bouts of vertigo as well - usually getting out of bed.

  2. Oof. BPPV is no fun. It was suggested I take B-12 complex daily for that and it made a difference. Might be worth checking out.

    Best of health to you, Al.

  3. Next day: everything is back to normal.

  4. Not lovely. Sorry to hear you are having to deal with that. My vertigo attacks mysteriously disappeared some years ago. Here's hoping yours do as well.
    Linda Sand

  5. At least it is a relief to know that vertigo is a condition, not a disease. I have been interested in the You Tube video made by Carol Foster, a doctor in Denver. I haven't had a chance to try out her head movement technique, yet.

  6. Weird timing, that happened to me 2 yrs ago. I went and got a kitty scan and they couldn't find anything wrong...Totally scary!
    It went away but came back a week ago, new doc gave me the exercises you described.
    Reminded me of the "wherlies) I got as a teen from too many beers, no fun.
    I hope you and I both get back to normal, I still feel it a bit and would hate to be on the road far are.

  7. I just wrote a bunch but the account thing may have sent it to Pluto.
    I got it 2 yrs ago and it just came back last week, not as bad. Scary krap, I had a kitty scan the 1st time thinking the worst and they did,t find anything.
