Sunday, November 3, 2024

All the cranes

The sandhill cranes congregated at the water in the evening and roosted there for the night. The Internet explains this is for safety from predators, social connections, and conservation of energy.

So there were hundreds of cranes hanging out at the lake this morning. When the sun started cresting the nearby mountains the birds began to fly off to feeding areas. In the meantime they chattered and squawked.

I got out my real camera and a telephoto lens and shot from the warmth of the Rolling Steel Tent, not encroaching on the cranes’ territory.


  1. Such a beautiful photo. We were never in the right place at the right time to see the cranes. Thank you.

  2. Predicting snow for tomorrow morn & later in the week. Maybe head to Sahuarita near Green Valley? The State Land there is pretty. Decent enough road.

  3. More likely to Ironwood Forest west of Marana, then Vekol Valley between Casa Grande and Gila Bend, then Ajo, a quick stop in QZT, then onward to the southwest corner of CA, and likely into Baja.
