Along the way I-8 gets within 1,600 feet of the border. Despite the number of cell towers along I-8 and in the small farm towns along the way, my phone started believing it was in Mexico, causing it to switch over to the Telcel network. That’s not a problem because I don’t use the phone while driving.
But when I got back to camp, which is eight miles from the border, and where I’ve always had a strong Verizon signal, my phone insisted it was still in Mexico. So I rebooted the phone. Twice. But it still grabbed the Telcel signal. Argh.
After about an hour the phone realized it was in the US and gave me my Verizon connection. Maybe the phone just wanted to be in Mexico, drinking tequila and eating shrimp tacos. Or maybe the Customs & Immigration line was really long.
Didn't realize the super slab got that close to Mexico. You must be on your way somewhere to be in El Centro right now. Any way, happy Thanksgiving, and keep us updated on your travels.