Thursday, February 20, 2025

I’m going to be the jerk in this guy’s version of the story

So there I was this morning, camped in Vekol Valley, having some breakfast (oatmeal with some chili mango on the side) when a man walked by. Um okay, taking a shortcut through my campsite, I guess. He was carrying a step ladder, perhaps because he needed to get at something on an RV roof. But he set up the ladder about six paces from the rolling steel tent and fiddled with a piece of cloth attached to it. Rather than folding the ladder back up and proceeding on his way, he turned to me and asked, “Will you be here long?”

“Another day or two.”

“Oh. Then could you do me a favor and move to one of the other spots?”

Since my spot was sizable I thought perhaps he wanted to bring in a large rig or a group. He might have read the sorry-first-come-first-served-amigo expression on my face because he continued, “See, I’m going to be hitting some golf balls, and this is the largest clear patch for them to land. I don’t want to be hunting for balls among the bushes.”

“Um, why do you think you should be hitting balls around here?”

His expression seemed to say no one had ever questioned his desires or plans or his right to fulfill them. “Because it’s how I relax. And it’s allowed.”

“That doesn’t mean you must. Besides, you’re encroaching on others.”

He glared, then said insincerely as he stomped off, “Fine. Have a nice day.” He left the ladder where it was. If it’s his sign of dominance, or if he’s marking his territory, then I’ll pee on it tonight.

UPDATE: He came back for the ladder a couple of hours later.


  1. Well, that dude was certainly a dick.

  2. You handled that much better than I would have.

  3. It takes all kinds in this world - and some of the kinds are nicer than others...... stand your ground :)

  4. Too bad you didn't superglue the hinges so it wouldn't fold up... KennyF.

  5. I'm pretty old, but people just never cease to amaze me.

  6. I'll just say "ditto" to all the prev comments, but the 2nd one is a true compliment. Congrats!!!
