Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Choices: what to do or who to be?

A short video about making life choices showed up on my Instagram feed. When a decision is difficult, and you’ve weighed the usual pros and cons, perhaps there’s another question to be asked: What kind of person do I want to become?

That reminded me of my decisions that led to me living in a van. I never consciously thought about what kind of person I wanted to become, but looking back I can see how it was implied in my thought processes. I certainly didn’t want to remain the kind of person I had already become — overworked, stressed, bored, depressed, stagnating, trapped...

Perhaps if younger me had considered as part of my decisions the kind of person I wanted to be I wouldn't have gotten to that overworked, stressed, bored, depressed, stagnating, trapped place. Perhaps my life would have been fuller. But I’m happy I eventually made the change, because now I feel much more like the kind of person I want to be.


  1. My younger self was never as smart as I thought I was... when I looked back a few years later. That always makes me wonder about today.... :-)

  2. Thank heavens for the choice that got you here now.
