Wednesday, October 9, 2024

I miss isolation

If you’re a fairly normal person (which I pretend to be) then spring and autumn are the best times to visit the desert. It’s neither too hot nor too cold. Goldilocks time. Which means it’s more crowded.

I found a good campsite with a very nice view, but the neighbors are closer and more numerous than I prefer. At least they’ve been quiet. I think I’ll be here for a few days, so I’ll see whether the crowd thins out or gets worse. Fingers crossed.


  1. I believe that the past 15 years of bloggers have given people too much information about their favorite campy spots. Hard not too because those areas are so beautiful, like that spot you have now.

    1. This isn't really a secret spot. It's near a popular National Monument. The dirt road from the highway is well traveled and you can see RVs scatter all along the ridge. I'm about a quarter mile from the highway after crossing some patches of road rough enough to dissuade the less adventurous, but...

  2. I think your days of living alone in the center of a 1000 yard circle are probably a thing of the past.

    1. I had that on the Kaibab Plateau and Bryce Canyon. I knew what I was getting into here.

  3. Have you been to Thompson Springs? The road to Sego is (was) passable in a sedan.

  4. At the east end of Green River is Dunham Melons. Their farm is 1/2 mile north on Hastings Rd. Their melons are the sweetest, most flavorful I've had. The odd-looking, football-shaped ones with craquelure skin are amazing! Like nothing you've ever had before!

  5. Hastings Rd is paved much of the way (maybe *all*, memory fails me) to Swasey's Beach where there're 8 FCFS campsites. The road goes on for several miles with only a couple of campable sites...but decent dirt road and though a deadend, worth, In My Esteemed Opinion, the drive.

    1. I've stayed at the campground a few times. I explored past the campground until the road got sketchy.
