Saturday, June 22, 2024

Streetdocker jail

When I streetdock in a city I like to change up my overnight locations so people don’t think I’ve come to live in their neighborhood. Therefore last night I parked at the Arcata Sports Complex. I stayed there a few years ago. There are usually a few other vehicle dwellers there.

I had someplace I wanted to be early this morning so I was ready to go a little after 6:00. Then I discovered the gate was closed. 

There was a gate? I hadn’t noticed it coming in. But I hadn’t been looking for one. It hadn’t been an issue the previous time because I didn’t leave until later in the morning.

Exhale. Calm down.

Okay, how long will I need to wait?

About 45 minutes, it turned out. And the gatekeeper acted like it was perfectly normal for some dude in a van to get locked in the parking lot. Well, he wasn’t scowling or anything, so I took that as a good sign.

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