Monday, June 24, 2024

Through the green maze

Hiller Park in McKinleyville (a town named in honor of the assassinated president) is probably not mentioned in the travel press. It’s mostly ball fields and a dog park. But there’s a network of footpaths through the woodland between the park’s fields and the Mad River. It’s a very nice, calming walk.

The final three miles of the Mad River run parallel to the coastline, separated by a sandbar. The river was named in 1849 in memory of an incident when Dr. Josiah Gregg lost his temper when his exploration party didn’t wait for him at the river’s mouth. I think it’s a little funny that the Mad River empties into the “Peaceful” Ocean, as if the Pacific’s volume is sufficient to dilute away any anger — though the ocean does occasionally send it’s wrath crashing back at us.

The deciduous trees (no redwoods here, alas) and heavy undergrowth feel like walls, or like a hug from Nature. They also deflect most of the ocean wind. The trail is basically a one mile loop, but there are also diversions, shortcuts and “longcuts.“ And there are benches here and there so you can just sit and be. And pet the happy dogs that come by. What more do I need?