Sunday, September 8, 2024

Net access

A few weeks ago I wrote how delighted (and somewhat concerned) I was to not be bothered by bugs in the Pacific Northwest. But now I’m back in the high desert and so are the bugs. Flies during the day, moths and other flying annoyances at night. The most annoying insects are the tiny flies that never land anywhere for more than a sixteenth of a second. And some variety of small nocturnal pest that always wants to tickle the crook of my right arm. It’s too warm to seal up the Rolling Steel Tent, And even though I’ve had eleven years to figure out some type of convenient screen system, well, I haven’t. So the simplest thing I can do it toss netting over me.

I’m starting to yearn for the coast when I’m done here. Or is autumn high bug season there?


  1. With those wheels under you rig you can always go to the coast & take a look...

  2. Buggy Season here in Decatur Alabama right now also.

  3. We bought a screen with an off-center opening meant to fit a patio door. Worked fine in the side door of our van.
    Linda Sand

  4. Though it wasn't *completely* tight, it worked pretty well. I used a double-bed mosquito net draped over the roof that hung down past the windows. I used 1.5" diameter magnets to hold the netting. Gimme an address and I'll mail it all. The netting is like the one below but double-wide. REI used to carry it. Magnets from Walmart.
