Sunday, September 29, 2024

On to Utah

From Jacob Lake AZ the closest town of any useful size is Kanab UT. I needed to do laundry and there’s a laundromat in Kanab I had used once several years ago. The plan was to do laundry and then continue northward, out of Kanab’s heat, to Bryce Canyon which is at 8,000 feet. But by the time I got off my butt, drove the 37 miles to Kanab, had a late lunch, then washed and folded my laundry, it was 4:30. It would be about an hour and a half to get to Bryce. That would be around sunset, which is not the best time to be looking for a campsite. Besides, there are a couple of small things I’d like to see near Kanab. So I decided to stay in the area. I found this nice campsite a couple of miles north of town. Hmmmm… Maybe I’ll stay a few days if it doesn’t get too hot. 

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