Saturday, September 21, 2024

Oh what a feeling, working on the ceiling

My homesteading stroke victim friend, Tom, originally said he needed help installing a wood stove. I had never done such a thing but imagined I could figure it out. However, Tom found a guy with a stove installation business. I agreed that was the better course of action, so I had no problem with being replaced.

“I need the ceiling insulated and covered, though. Is that something you can do?”  Since I had done some walls in the past I told him that was within my skill set. But drywalling a ceiling alone would be extremely difficult. So Tom called on his semi-nomad neighbor and fellow stroke survivor, Dean.

I did the insulation alone without any trouble. Insulation is a little cumbersome but light. Tom acquired the drywall and other necessities and rented a drywall ceiling jack. Dean and I got to work and finished the job in a few hours. The hardest part, other than the lifting, was measuring to fit the irregularities of the simple 9x15 building. Pros would have done the job faster and better, but I think we did a rather good job for a couple of amateurs. I could add it to my résumé if I were job hunting. Otherwise it’s just fodder for stories. And a step forward in winterizing Tom’s home.

The walls will be done later. There’s some professional prep work that needs to be done first. All the drywall will be taped, mudded and painted too.


  1. That ceiling looks pretty damn good for a couple of guys that don't hang drywall for a living. Well done!

  2. Wow his place is the same area as my travel trailer 0f 18 years. That will be comfy living.

  3. I built a log house years ago, mostly by myself, and one of the few things I contracted out was having the interior walls dry walled. Absolutely hate that stuff and anything to do with it. Hats off to you for helping your friend with an onerous task.

  4. Viktor Frankl swore by service to others. Way tuh go!
