Sunday, July 28, 2024

All the way to the end this time

Cape Flattery is the far northwest corner of the 48 contiguous states. It’s the type of geographical tidbit I enjoy. I wanted to go to Cape Flattery back in 2018 but the fog was so thick I didn’t see the point of paying the tribal fee to go there from Neah Bay. But I was in the area and it was time to give it another try. The weather report looked much better.

Frankly, the 1.5 mile walk from the parking area to the actual point, through the coastal forest and partly along a boardwalk, was the most enjoyable part for me. I ambled while others hustled by. Don’t hurry, friends. Stop and smell the roses moss.


  1. That is great. I never got there in the five years I worked/lived in south eastern Washington.

  2. I've always wanted to go the end point but that's not going to happen so thanks for the photographs. :) It looks like a magical place.

  3. Way cool vicariousness. Michelle and I recognized bottom picture from our visit in 2008...or thereabouts.
