Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Out on a limb

Eureka and Arcata California are situated along Humboldt Bay and Arcata Bay which are separated from the Pacific by narrow peninsulas. I drove out to the end of the northern peninsula yesterday and spent several hours just chilling and being free.

Access to the paved road from the picnic area where I had parked is rather lumpy, a combination of holes, humps, and ruts. As I was slowly making my across it at the end of the day I heard a loud thump against the bottom of the Rolling Steel Tent. I assumed I had kicked up a rock. But as I continued I thought I heard (along with the thumping of tires, the various noises of things shifting around in the van, and Roxanne on the radio) a scraping and vibrating sound. Had I broken something? I got out to look.

There was a seven-foot tree branch, about and inch in diameter, wedged between the front wheel and the inner fender. Well there’s my problem. I pulled it out and deposited it off the “road.” Little things sent my way to make my day interesting.

1 comment:

  1. It's always something. I do hate those unexpected strange noises that vehicles make when something is not quite right all of a sudden.
