Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Yet another mysterious noise

There was suddenly a d-doinka-doink-doinka noise in the Rolling Steel Tent whenever I drove on bumpy roads. ¿Que? Was it a newly rearranged object bouncing around? Was something broken? Something critical and expensive? I saw nothing out of place when I crawled under the van. But that doen't mean anything.

It went on for two weeks, starting about the time I arrived at the Rubber Tramp Rendezvous. Sometimes it would go away for a while, only to return.

With my hearing being what it is, I have a hard time locating sounds. It's extra difficult when there are also the normal sounds of driving. I was pretty certain, though, that it was on the right side of the van, about half way back. But was it near the floor or the ceiling? I was going to have Lou ride with me and try to locate the sound. We never got around to it, though.

Today was the last day of the RTR. "We'll try to find the noise after we get to our next camp," I thought. I packed away the awning, table, chairs and everything else, and drove off.

"No noise, yet," I thought as I drove through the camp and turned onto the dirt access road.

No noise at all by the time I got to the end of the access road.

No noise while on the bumpy pavement.

"What has changed since the last time it made the sound?" I contemplated it on the way to Yuma.


Ah-ha! The folding chair is back in its storage spot. The noise was bungee cords nocking against the steel cabinet.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I like solved mysteries, but the one of where my previous comment went may never be solved. Enjoy your blog.

    2. Hmmm... It showed up in my email notifications. "Some mysteries are better left unsolved as they make life more interesting." Maybe it disappeared from the blog because you have some loose bungee cords. I'm pretty sure that's it.

    3. I probably do have something loose, but I don't think it's my bungee cords.

  2. Lol
    At least it was an inexpensive fix!

  3. Al, I have read through all your posts, and I look forward to meeting you one day... perhaps at RTR, or around Bob's camp. Looking forward to meeting Chet too! Linda in Ky.

    1. Even though I'm an introvert, I like meeting my fans. Chet is an extrovert, though.

  4. Always good to find the source of a mysterious noise. Even better when the fix is free.

    1. Not totally free. It cost me a couple of weeks of anxiety.
