The cover back in calmer times
All the small magnets I'd added to hold down the edges had worked great in lesser winds, but the cover was starting to flap around threateningly. So out I went to rescue it, which almost turned me into an accidental kitesurfer. (Oh look, there goes a neighbor's carpet. And the neighbor.)
Back inside the Rolling Steel Tent I had a brief conference between my old sloppy self and my new trying-to-be-organized self. Fold the cover nicely and put it back in it's handy sack, or just wad it up and toss it in a corner? Well, if I'm going to be stuck inside today, I should make the place as roomy as possible.
I started folding. And muttering. The cover is not only large, it was also stiff from the low temperature. Totally uncooperative. But I fought it and the urge to toss it outside and wave "Adiós, mi amigo terco. Tener una vida feliz en Baja." I eventually won and now the cover is in its designated spot next to the refrigerator. And I'm in my designated spot in front of the computer, as the Rolling Steel Tent rocks in the wind.
Tengan una vida feliz, mis amigos.
A couple of reference sites...
Colder, just as windy there.
DeleteYour windshield is not terco is just plain cold !!
DeleteI love the desert but man those winds can be brutal. Stay safe and warm my friend.
ReplyDeleteIt was cold! The winds were just brutal today. I am really hoping tomorrow will be better. We're in Tucson. Could be worse - could be snowing!
ReplyDeleteHave you read: The Desert Year by Joseph Wood Krutch (1952)? He does a nice job of distinguishing between the pleasures of traveling and being somewhere.
ReplyDeleteI'll add it to my list.
DeleteY tu, mi amigo. At least, it's a dry wind :D