Tuesday, June 18, 2019

The small things

I was a half hour early for today’s radiation treatment. A nurse walked up to me, called me by name, and said my radiation oncologist, Dr. Chin, could see me before my treatment. Cool. She led me down the hall to the offices. There were some people clogging the reception area but I could see Dr. Chin on the other side of the room. He saw me and waved. He recognized me. One of I don’t know how many patients in a busy day. That was nice.


  1. Ask if they might reduce your visits...perhaps 15 or 20.

  2. He's a smart man; you've got a good doctor.

  3. Do you go by scott 7022 on another forum?

  4. It's always nice to be recognized. Especially by someone who has your health in their hands.
