Monday, July 23, 2018

Out of the comfort zone

When my usual reclusive nature wants to take a break, I meet up with various friends. One or two at a time. No more than four. But sometimes the minuscule gregarious part of me says, “Hey, let’s go to a gathering and maybe make a new friend or two!”

Okay, it’ll be something different to do.

That’s why I’m at the Tillamook gathering. However, I’m not doing a very good job of friend making. I joined the pot luck dinner yesterday and I even shared some stories. But I failed at the Socializing 101 stuff, like asking people their names and swapping a few personal details. I’ve gotten way out of the habit.

I tell myself, “It’s okay. This thing doesn’t really start until tomorrow. I’m not here early to get a jump start on socializing. I wanted to get a good spot and settle in, to shift out of traveling mode. But tomorrow—yeah, that’s it, tomorrow—I’ll drag out my best meager friend making skills. The goal will be to come away with one new friend.


  1. Good luck tomorrow. Friends are good to have if only a few of them.

  2. Greetings, Al.

    While rereading your older blog postings, I finally got a chance to watch Lou's video tour of his home. Is there any way to get some queries answered? Most pressing questions are about his Eccotemp on demand water heater. He said he'd tell about some "fixes" later in the video but they weren't mentioned when he was discussing the heater inside. Something about the black pump canister. Also am interested about his experience with the original shower head the unit came with.

    Al, I sooo appreciate your blog and the effort you put into it. Your mind is a special thing. I don't have a Paypal account but I'd love to contribute a little somthin'-somthin'. If there was someplace I could send a money order, perhaps? General Delivery somewhere? Or ....?

    Your VIRTUAL friend,
    Maple Valley Gal

    1. Did you see THIS video? It's more info about his water heater.

    2. So funny, miss typed a letter and it came up with a sex swing. Or maybe Lou didn't show everything in his home?! jk retyping slower now...

  3. The Tillamook airport is always a fun place to visit. Lots to talk about.

  4. See and search for the word "midding" Sounds a lot like your current situation.

    1. Perfect!
      "...feeling the tranquil pleasure of being near a gathering but not quite in it—hovering on the perimeter of a campfire, chatting outside a party while others dance inside, resting your head in the backseat of a car listening to your friends chatting up front—feeling blissfully invisible yet still fully included, safe in the knowledge that everyone is together and everyone is okay, with all the thrill of being there without the burden of having to be."

  5. The best advice on making a friend from a man who has many is to BE a friend.
