Sunday, April 22, 2018

A new place for me

I had never been on Highway 77 south of Globe, Arizona, and figured it was time to check it out. pointed me to a boondocking spot between Globe and Winkelman. Someone I know (somewhere on the scale between an acquaintance and a friend) gave a positive review. It sounded good.

And it is. It’s like being in a forest of cholla and prickly pear. No one around. Quiet. Warm but not too hot. And a few bars of 4G.


  1. I envy your northern-ness. I"m stuck another couple of days down in Why. Van temps stay in 90s lately until dark. Your desert is more lush than mine, too. LOL

    1. Actually, today I'm farther south than Why, but at higher elevation. There's a nice cool-ish breeze coming off nearby mountains. I need to make a stop in Douglas then I'll head north and east.
