This was yesterday, in Cottonwood, AZ, in the Walmart parking lot. My heart goes out to this van's owner.
It looks like the fire was concentrated about where a stove or microwave would be. It might have been an electrical fire. I can't say. But the risk of fire is high enough that I don't use any sort of flame in the Rolling Steel Tent. I cook outside or not at all. (Hurray for sandwiches.)
Even without fire danger, I don't want food smells lingering in the van. I don't want splatters or steam. I don't want additional heat in warm weather.
Other van dwellers cook in their vehicles all the time with no problems. I imagine these folks had no problems, too. Until yesterday.
I mostly cook in my microwave. I occasionally use my induction burner. Both of those are electrical so if this was an electrical fire I would have been toast either way.