Wednesday, November 1, 2017

The compromise

"Okay," I told myself this morning, "I'll at least swing by the van gathering to see if my feelings about it are any different."

As I drove out of Craggy Wash I saw a familiar van ahead of me. Is that Judy? Then the driver waved. Hey, it is! I hadn't seen her in a year or more. She pulled over and we talked a while until a large RV came along and we had to unblock the road. That was a pleasant way to start the day.

Things were about the same at the gathering, and I felt no new desire to stay. But Lou had sent me an email. "If you see Paul from Florida, give him my phone number." So I needed to at least look for Paul. I saw my friends Jamie and Lesa instead. We caught up on things and I asked if they had seen Paul. They hadn't, so I left Lou's number with them to pass along in case he showed up.

Then it was off to Smith's for some supplies. When you're not sure where you'll be the next few days, and when some of the possibilities have slim pickings when it comes to groceries, stock up first.

I headed south to Quartzsite. I was mentally braced for the beginning of snowbird season, but, surprise, the place wasn't at all crowded. I like the Hi Jolly dispersed camping area north of town. There's lots of room still. Excellent. So I'll stay a couple of days, maybe more, and see who else I might run across.

Not many neighbors

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