Saturday, January 14, 2017


This is the free pile at the Rubber Tramp Rendezvous. Attendees leave things they think others might want or need. Some of the free stuff is good and useful. Some isn't, but the ones who left it can't bring themselves to just throw it out. At least their hearts are in a good place.

It's easy to give to people I like, people I approve of, people who pass whatever worthiness tests I might have at the moment. That's almost not giving. With the free pile, I'm putting it out there for... whomever. Maybe someone stone broke and in desperate need will get it, but maybe someone who could easily afford to buy the stuff will take it, or maybe someone who'll resell it, or maybe someone I hate. That's difficult, but I believe if I'm going to give, it should be with no questions asked.

I'd rather give more and judge less. I judge too much. It makes me hard. It requires me to be suspicious. It's a burden. Maybe I could lighten my load by putting a big sack of judgment on the free pile. Sadly, there's probably someone who'd take it.


  1. Wow that hit me in the gut. Amazing words this morning. Thank you!

  2. Your last paragraph is food for thought. Thank you for articulating it.

  3. I worried about being judged at Bob's camps for having too nice a rig. I tried to fit in better by filing people's water jugs before I left camp. And I contributed to group meals even if I wasn't eating them. And my daughter and I donated to the free pile but never took anything. I so much wanted to be part of the tribe. You make me realize I probably didn't succeed.

  4. People vote with their wallets...A lot of people voted for you and your family...

  5. Thanks for that picture. I drove over on Wednesday and before I left put some things on the tarp. I dont see them there now, so someone is getting good from them. I'm driving over again one day next week and will have more for the pile. I do try to make sure to put things others would actually use. Hope to meet you while I'm there.

  6. Giving makes one lighter in numerous ways.
